Environment ::
Quality ::

As producer of a natural item, we emphasize a responsible handling of our environment. Nature is the source and the aim of our products!
We receive our raw materials from our own region. This guarantees short transport routes. Production waste is returned to the raw material and thus recycled. ​
The energy needed to dry our products is generated by heat recovery during the burning process. Long before demanded by legislation, we installed a smoke filter although the value of our exhaust gas is way below the legally regulated limits. The regular control of these figures by the German TÜV has confirmed this.
With justice we can say that we stand for a sustainable use of our resources.
Years of experience with ceramic goods guarantee highest quality in our production.
Our pots are thoroughly selected in accordance with a strict quality manual so that only the best ones find their way into sale.
Already when selecting the raw materials, we take great care of quality in order to gain outstanding results.
Only then can we meet our own requirement to passionately create flawless goods.